N17 NORTH - DOOLIN to Handheld
Conversion Kit From Umbilical To Handheld - Series 4K

N17 NORTH - DOOLIN to Handheld
Conversion Kit From Umbilical To Handheld - Series 4K
€219 €236 Inc. VAT
You have impressed your dive buddy with our version of the “big boys” dive light, the DOOLIN, in such a way she does not dare to dive with you anymore. You can of course buy your dive buddy a DOOLIN with the ESKE cave canister, however, you can also convert your DOOLIN to a slightly less impressive handheld version. You only need this umbilical to handheld conversion kit. The handheld DOOLIN still has a run time of 90 minutes on full power.
Driving from Doolin to Lough Eske, you will most likely take the N17. This is also a famous song of the Irish band The Saw Doctors. This conversion kit got its name from this roadnumber. North is for the conversion to handheld.