Series 3K / 5K / 189 Cable B

LEANNAN - Umbilical Cable - 140cm
Series 3K / 5K / 189 Cable B
This 140cm long umbilical cable can be used to upgrade your handheld LAURENTIC, AUDACIOUS or CRUIT to an umbilical set-up.
The long cable gives you enough freedom to use your LAURENTIC or AUDACIOUS in combination with the goodman handle ERRIGAL or the goodman glove BURREN. The CRUIT in this configuration can be used with our goodman glove BURREN.
The length of the cable is perfect when you wish to attach your canister to your sidemount.
The umbilical cable Leannan has its name from the River Leannan or Lennon (Irish: An Leanainn) which is a river in County Donegal, Ireland. It is know for its brown trout fishery. The river is part of NATURA 2000. After a difficult periode the numbers of Salmon are recovering. Other wildlfe found in the river include the freshwater pearl mussel and the European otter.