Doolin Series 4K Spot & Arran Series 1K Spot

Doolin Series 4K Spot & Arran Series 1K Spot
The set EASKEY combines the DOOLIN with the ARRAN. Anchor Dive Lights 4K Spot DOOLIN is an excellent primary divelight for cave divers and divers in poor visibility. The 8 degree spot with high intensity light is popular with cave divers, however, it is suitable for all divers who want a strong intense spot.
The DOOLIN as primary light together with the ARRAN 1K spot as back-up light makes a great combination for diving in poor visibility, or when you just like to have an awful lot of light.
The set Doolin combined with the Arran takes its name from the town Easkey. Travelimg from Doolin to Arranmore Island along the Wild Atlantic Way you will pass through this small town. Easkey (Irish: Iascaigh) the name comes from the Irish word for fish (“iasc”) and “Iascaigh” thus literally meaning “abounding in fish”. The area is a popular with tourists due to its scenery and water sport options.