Moulded Aluminium Tray 30cm

Moulded Aluminium Tray 30cm
With this modular baseplate of 30cm you have a perfect starting point to configure you own camera tray.
Whether you have a compact camera for photography or an action camera for video, you can add the arms and handles you wish to get you own personal set up for the camera lights.
With 2 handles/arms the tray can be used for camera(housings) with a maximum width of 20cm.
Our trays are named after the mountain range the BLUESTACK Mountains, (Irish: na Cruacha Gorma, meaning “the blue stacks”). It is a mayor mountain range in the south of County Donegal, Ireland.
This mountain range provides a barrier between the towns in the south of the county, and the towns to the north and west. The Bluestack way, a hiking route of about 65km traverses the range and gives great view over the Lough Eske.