As the Audacious has all the features a diver would want in a dive light you might want to extend its run time. Combine the Audacious with our cave canister, in our set Kinnalargy, to extend the run time in the 50% wide mode to 6 hours or in the 50% spot mode to a staggering 20 hours. However, you’ll not limit the use of this “all-in-one” light to only one mode, but these numbers give you a guideline.
The Audacious with the cave canister comes also with our Errigal goodman handle.
One of the departure points for diving the Audacius is the pier in Kinnalargy. Therefor we named the Aucadius with the cave canister after this small village.
The Irish name for Kinnalargy is Cionn na Leargaí. It is situated on the shores of the Drongawn lough.